Two weeks ago, the most popular boy at Mountain View High, Jesse Finn, was injured in a mysterious accident at a party. With our people of interest in this bizarre mystery, aspiring journalist Rebecca Bly and new kid Tyler Clark are on the case ready to report the truth to Mountain View’s students. But the closer they get to finding out what really happened the more sinister and convoluted everything becomes. Was Jesse’s accident really just an unfortunate twist of fate? Or did something much more sinister happen that night…
The WTPO Production Team
‘When the Party’s Over’. For 90% of the high school student and staff body, those four words might mean nothing at all. But for the other 10%, these words have occupied our brains for the past year as we’ve worked tirelessly to bring our vision of a movie to life…
The goal at the center of the project was to create a story where the action is shown unfolding from different perspectives, in order to show how reality can be altered by those who perceive the reality. Though this story is a more specific example of this idea, this concept is one that can be applied to almost any situation and the universal theme of ‘personal reality’ is one we felt is incredibly relevant in this day and age. We decided to create a film that features stylistic diversity but also features a cast of characters who are diverse in all aspects of identity, to showcase the variety of diversity that ISCT supports. ‘Personal reality’ is a relevant concept in the age of isolation, but this movie promotes the idea of consideration, empathy and hopefully an understanding for others realities…. Click here to read the directors perspective