The May 2021 IGCSE exam results are out and they are very good!
Of our 230 subject entries, our students achieved 112 (yes, one hundred and twelve) A*s and As – that is very close to 50% of the total number of grades!
Here are some interesting highlights:
One student achieved 7A*s and 1A, another 6A*s and 2As and a third, 5A*s and 3 As.
In English Language: 14 of our 33 students achieved an A*
In Physics: 12 of our 17 students achieved either an A* or A
In Literature: 10 out of 11 students achieved either an A* or A
In Chemistry: 8 of our 12 students achieved either an A* or A
In Drama: 14 of our 16 students achieved A*, A or B (2021 saw our largest Drama exam group to date)
In History all 3 candidates earned A* or A grades
Business Studies had 100% A*-C grades
Did you know?
Apart from English, our students entered exams in five different languages: Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Dutch.