We’re ready to help your child discover a wider world.
Good news! If you’re looking for a private, international school in Cape Town, South Africa, then you’re in the right place. Get in touch with us. At ISCT, we love hearing from prospective parents and students. Here’s how you can reach us, including both ISCT locations—so you’ll always know where to find us.
For all admission and A Level enquiries please contact:
Thirusha Abrahams – admissions@isct.co.za
021-763 5300
31 Eden Road
Claremont 7700
Cape Town
South Africa
Struben House (KS1) Reception Desk
Cikizwa Njana
Email: receptionsh@isct.co.za
Tel: +27 (0) 21 180 4240
Admission enquiries
Thirusha Abrahams
Email: admissions@isct.co.za
Tel: +27 (0) 21 763 5300
4 Edinburgh Close
Claremont 7708
Cape Town
South Africa
(KS2, High School & Administration)
Reception Desk
Vuyelwa Jeyi
Email: receptionwh@isct.co.za
Tel: +27 (0) 21 761 6202
Admission enquiries
Thirusha Abrahams
Email: admissions@isct.co.za
Tel: +27 (0) 21 763 5300
To contact a member of staff directly, please use the telephone numbers below:
- Melita Poplett
- PA to the Principal
- +27 (0) 21 763 5302
- m.poplett@isct.co.za
- Luanne Cash
- Director of Academics
- +27 (0) 21 763 5313
- directoracademics@isct.co.za
- Paul Moore
- Director of Student Affairs
- +27 (0) 21 763 5309
- directorstudentaffairs@isct.co.za
- Phillip James
- Head of High School
- +27 (0) 21 763 5306
- ks3head@isct.co.za
- Georgina Douglas
- Head of Upper Primary
- +27 (0) 21 763 5314
- ks2head@isct.co.za
- Adi Daniel
- Head of Struben House
- +27 (0) 21 180 4240
- ks1head@isct.co.za
- Sarah Everett
- High School Learning Support
- +27 (0) 21 763 5303
- s.everett@isct.co.za
- Jacques Groenewald
- Business Manager
- +27 (0) 21 763 5318
- j.groenewald@isct.co.za
- Muslima Jacobs
- Accounts
- +27 (0) 21761 6202
- accounts@isct.co.za
- Thirusha Abrahams
- Admissions
- +27 (0) 21 763 5300
- admissions@isct.co.za
- Nicole Langtry
- Cambridge Exams Officer
- +27 (0)21 763 5311
- cambridgeexams@isct.co.za