Below you’ll find answers to the questions we get asked the most about our school.
I would like to visit the school, how can I do this?
- Please contact Thirusha Abrahams via email to book your school tour:
What is the entrance procedure?
If you are in Cape Town:
- After the initial contact, further information and a link to our online application form are emailed to the parent/guardian.
- A telephonic meeting or Zoom meeting is then scheduled with the Admissions Officer.
- A tour of the school is offered.
- The application form is returned, with all supporting documents (as requested in the application) and Registration Fee of R900 is due when submitting the application. This is a once-off, non-refundable fee.
- Enrolment into Reception to Year 02, is based on an assessment. This is a one-on-one assessment with the teacher of that Year group. These assessments are held in the afternoon subject to availability of teachers.
- Enrolment into Year 03 to Year 13 and above, we consider various factors, in particular what curriculum they are currently enrolled in, and their previous grades and/or predicted grades in the case of AS/A level. We also conduct a CAT4 Assessment, which is a cognitive assessment that can be done at the student’s current school, at home or at ISCT.
- Trial days are available based on the current lockdown level in South Africa.
- If the applicant is successful, and a place is available, an Offer of Place is made in writing, and sent together with certain documents that need to be completed, signed and returned to ISCT.
- To confirm acceptance of the place and secure the place, we require a Placement Fee for each applicant.
- Nursery to Year 10 : R10 500
- Year 12 (AS Level) : R6 000
- Year 13 (A Level) : R5 000
This is a once-off, non-refundable fee.
- We also require ALL paperwork to be complete before enrolment becomes official.
- ISCT will supply a letter for the Department of Home Affairs if a Study Permit is needed.
- All information needed for enrolment will also be given to the parent/guardian of the student.
If you and/or your child are not in Cape Town yet:
- After the initial contact, further information and a link to our online application form are emailed to the parent/guardian.
- A telephonic meeting or Zoom meeting is then scheduled with the Admissions Officer.
- A virtual tour of the school is offered.
- The application form is returned, with all supporting documents (as requested in the application) and Registration Fee of R750 is due when submitting the application. This is a once-off, non-refundable fee.
- Enrolment into Reception to Year 02, is based on an assessment. This is a one-on-one assessment with the teacher of that Year group. A PROVISIONAL Offer of Place is made in writing, and sent together with certain documents that need to be completed, signed and returned to ISCT via fax or email. The one-on-one Assessment will be conducted once you are in South Africa. These assessments are held in the afternoon subject to availability of teachers. If the assessment is successful a formal Offer of Placement is made by ISCT.
- We will also supply a letter for the Department of Home Affairs if a Study Permit is needed.
- Enrolment into Year 03 to Year 13 and above, we consider various factors, in particular what curriculum they are currently enrolled in, and their previous grades and/or predicted grades in the case of AS/A level. We also conduct a CAT4 Assessment, which is a cognitive assessment that can be done at the student’s current school, at home or at ISCT. If the application process is successful a formal Offer of Placement will be made by ISCT.
- To confirm acceptance of the place and secure the place, we require a Placement Fee for each applicant
- Nursery to Year 10 : R10 500
- Year 12 (AS Level) : R6 000
- Year 13 (A Level) : R5 000
This is a once-off, non-refundable fee.
- In addition to the Placement fee, our International/Expat parents will also pay an amount equivalent to 1 term’s fees is due per child. This shall be an unsecured, interest free loan and shall be refunded to the parents on the terms of the ISCT Parent Contract have been fulfilled.
- We also require ALL paperwork to be complete before enrolment becomes official.
All information needed for enrolment will be given to the parent/guardian of the student.
How does Cambridge education differ from South African education?
- We accept into our Nursery class from 3 1/2 years, and Reception from 4 1/2. It is in the Reception year that Numeracy and Literacy are taught, so that by the end of the year most children are able to read, write sentences and do simple addition and subtraction. The South African system starts this literacy and numeracy in Grade 1, when the child is turning 7.
- Additional languages are introduced in Year 3. Afrikaans are offered for Year 3 and 4. From Year 5 onwards, students may choose from Spanish, French or Afrikaans. This selection is the subject they will take through to there IGCSE’s.
- High School starts in Year 7.
- External examinations, the IGCSE are written in May and June of Year 11. AS level examinations are written in November of Year 12. There is an optional Year 13, which is the full A level qualification, which is necessary if the student wishes to study in most foreign countries.
- A South African matric exemption is gained with a combination of AS and IGCSE results.
What is your class size?
- Our maximum capacity is 24 per class from Reception to Yr 13
- Our Key Stage 1 classes (Nursery to Year 2) have teacher assistants in addition to the qualified teacher and ensure a low adult to student ratio.
When does your academic year begin?
- We run according to the South African academic calendar. Students coming in to ISCT from the Northern Hemisphere usually ‘repeat’ part of the year they were in before they moved. In some instances we will allow a student to ‘jump’ into the next year, especially if they are in Cape Town for a short period of time and do not want to lose out on academic time. This is unusual, and only done keeping the best interest of the student in mind.
- The IGCSE (Year 10-11) is usually a 2 year course. We have successfully shortened it to 18 months so as to accommodate Northern Hemisphere students wishing to return ‘home’ to start AS/A levels in the July of that year.
How many students do you have and where do they come from?
- We have around 460 students from Nursery to A levels, from over 40 countries.
- More than half of our students are South African.
I always thought an International School was for foreign students. Why are there so many local students?
South African parents choose ISCT for their children for a variety of reasons:
- The Cambridge educational system is highly regarded world-wide, and we offer it at a high academic standard.
- Many families have a parent or parents who travel or who may be transferred internationally. The Cambridge system is a more ‘portable’ system in that it is offered in most countries, and allows a relatively seamless transition if moving from country to country.
- We offer a flexible approach to education, in that we do not restrict formal learning to children who are turning 7. Formal numeracy and literacy starts in Reception (Grade 0) when the child turns 5. Every applicant is assessed to ascertain whether they are ready to begin formal schooling.